How does the pricing work?
Since we are the direct seller of our own grass fed beef, there is no middle man. We charge a flat rate of $7 per pound hanging weight of packaged grass fed beef. We deliver our cattle to the processor, we pay processing fees, our customers pick there beef up from the processor (butcher). We sell half or whole beef. This means that you will have to contact us directly for the cuts you want.
What is hanging weight?
The hanging weight is usually about 60% of the live weight. So if a cow weighs 1000 lbs live weight its hanging weight will be 600 lbs.
How does the pricing work?
We receive orders directly from this website. Here’s how it works. First, customers place a $250 deposit on a WHOLE or HALF beef, this reserves a specific beef. Secondly, when the beef is ready for the processor, we’ll provide you with the live weight and require 50% payment of your order. Finally, when the exact weight of the packaged beef is determined by the processor we require final payment for the remaining balance.
Can anyone purchase our grass fed beef?
Absolutely. Our customers receive a huge discount by purchasing the whole cow. Whether purchasing for your own family’s needs, or organizing a shared purchase with friends, relatives, church members or co-workers, you are guaranteed the highest quality and best value. Not everyone can afford to purchase a whole cow, or have enough freezer space to store the meat. 600 pounds of meat will take up about 18 cubic feet of deep freeze space.
If I purchase an entire cow can I resell the meat for a profit?
Yes. It’s only fair that you are rewarded for the time it takes to pick up the beef and distribute it to others. After purchasing your beef, what you do with it is your business.
What if I send a deposit but then change my mind?
Deposits are non-refundable. We arrange a convenient date for customers to pick up their order from the processor. We deliver the cow of your choosing to the processor, pay processing fees, and therefore, it’s imperative that customers pick up their order on the agreed date. If a customer cannot pick up their order, it puts us in a time sensitive situation because the processor does not have extra storage space. If a customer provides plenty of lead time and we are able to swap the order to someone else, we will do our best, but we cannot provide refunds.
Why is Grass Fed Beef so expensive in stores?
Retail stores don’t have access to large continuous supply of grass fed beef, so they have extremely high prices. Buying directly from the rancher or farmer (us) saves you a lot of money.